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Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • MS1 - The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • MS2 - The text is preferentially single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. Line numbers are included in the document. A template is available to download here.
  • MS3 - The submission adheres to SI units and IUPAC recommendations. MitoEAGLE recommendations on terms and symbols are implemented.
  • MS4 - Institutional addresses are listed for all coauthors, as well as an email address for the corresponding author.
  • MS5 - The experimental work has been performed in accordance with the ethical standards for research particularly when using humans or animals. Mandatory ethics approvals are fully reported.
  • MS6 - Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • MS7 - Author contributions are explained in a separate section.
  • MS8 - Any conflicts of interest have been declared.
  • MS9 - Where possible, raw data has been deposited in a stable and recognised open repository under a CC0 license and the DOI(s) and/or accession number(s) are included in the specific section of the manuscript. Alternatively, it is stated that raw data is available on request, or an explanation of why this is not possible is included in the comments to the editor. See Data sharing and reproducibility
  • S1 - The manuscript submitted for peer review at BEC is available Open Access either (1) posted at MitoFit Preprints, or (2) in a different preprint server. Please specify in the text field “Comments for the Editor” whether the manuscript should be posted as MitoFit Preprint at the same time of the submission to BEC.
  • S2 - The manuscript has not been previously published, nor is it currently submitted to another journal.
  • S3 - The corresponding author has received written consent from all authors, who agree to take responsibility for the content of the manuscript.
  • S4 - The corresponding author has received written consent by all persons mentioned in the acknowledgments.
  • S5 - E-mail addresses for all coauthors are listed in the submission registration.
  • S6 - The authors agree with the open and published peer-review process and are aware their responses to the reviewers may be published.
  • S7 - I understand that if submitting a contribution for a MiPevent, points MS9, S1 and S6 do not apply. If submitting a full-length BEC manuscript, I have adhered to all points on the checklist.

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