Tributes to pioneers in bioenergetics

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BEC Series Editors: Angelo Azzi, Erich Gnaiger

Meandering down diverse paths by different persons has the potential to weave together an unparalleled tapestry of memories, forming a mosaic of anecdotes, narratives, and phrases that enrich the overarching story and infuse it with a deeply human essence.

Who qualifies as a 'pioneer'? The current list reflects bias in scientific history: lack of compensation for unequal gender opportunities, science networks centered on Europe and North America. How do we define the field of bioenergetics? Bacteria, mitochondria, and chloroplasts - energy transformation by bioblasts is the core of bioenergetics. Support us by paying a tribute to your pioneers in bioenergetics, to properly expand the recognition of pioneers and their vital contributions to science and humanity.

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